gamelan council造句


  1. This approach is embraced by organizations such as the Gamelan Council seeking to empower entrepreneurs ( e . g ., through microfinance initiatives ).
  2. These two terms capture the Gamelan Council s goal of harmoniously unifying the arrays of forces and ideas affecting the areas on which the Gamelan Council focuses its efforts.
  3. Led by Grameen Bank and BRAC in Bangladesh, Prodem in Bolivia, Opportunity International, and FINCA International, headquartered in Washington, DC, these NGOs have spread around the developing world in the past three decades; others, like the Gamelan Council, address larger regions.
  4. It's difficult to find gamelan council in a sentence. 用gamelan council造句挺难的


  1. "gamela"造句
  2. "gamelab"造句
  3. "gamelab london"造句
  4. "gamelan"造句
  5. "gamelan angklung"造句
  6. "gamelan degung"造句
  7. "gamelan gadhon"造句
  8. "gamelan galak tika"造句
  9. "gamelan gambang"造句
  10. "gamelan gambuh"造句

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